

Do you ever wish you could just re-do something?..Start over fresh, and begin again. Well that was me about Arcticdaisy.

As much as i have enjoyed creating this blogging platform and producing posts for you all, I’ve learnt a few things on the way and came to the conclusion that i wanted to totally revamp my blogging ways- the actual blog site design, style of posts, and myself as a blogger…especially in terms of consistency (because you know i ain’t been too good at that but shhh!)

So i don’t think there’s too much more to say or do than introduce you to my new blog; lifeoflaurenx.

Please join me over at my new site by hitting follow over at, where you’ll find a welcome post and be introduced to my new ‘Get To Know Me’ series.

I’d also love you to be part of my Instagram (@lifeof.lauren) and Twitter (@lifeof_lauren_) for lots of daily fashion and beauty goodness, along with a few lifestyle posts so you can get an idea of what i get up to from day-to-day!

Let me know what you think of my new site over at – i love your feedback!

See you on the other site (see what i did there…) x

I’m Moving…


It’s fair to say that once you start something it has to be improved and tweaked once or twice (or maybe even more) for it to be the best it can be. Anything from playing a particular sport to creating a blog site, you only learn and improve by spotting flaws; as little as they may be, in what you’re doing right now, and changing them or just altering the way you do things.

With all that inspirational stuff in mind, i came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that i’d change things up a bit and create a new blog platform (the name of which i’m keeping a secret for a few more days..) which will overall be a far more improved and updated version of this little web space.

Since beginning to blog I’ve discovered the more successful and less successful ways of reaching you all and which posts and topics you enjoy more than others. And of course by seeing all your blogs and websites, along with my main sources of inspiration; HudaBeauty and Jamie Genevieve’s SassBomb site, has sparked my imagination, and got me currently customising and developing my new blog.

I’m excited. Excited for you all to see and visit my new site. And excited to relaunch (if that’s what you want to call it) my blogging hobby. Since you have probably realised I’ve been off the blogging and vlogging scene for quite a while, whilst i’ve been building my Instagram (@lifeof.lauren) and building a blog.

I will be posting again in a few days to give you all the exciting details for this new blog…

but for now please follow my new and dramatically improved; if i say so myself, Instagram platform.. @lifeof.lauren – see you there!


Do you have any ideas for the new blog? Anything you want to see?

Obsessing Over: Lady Gaga.


From her wild ever-changing hairstyles to her fabulous array of top class haute couture fashion to her glamorous new pooch assistant Asia; Gaga certainly has it all going on. She is not only a chart-topping pop star, but in my eyes; a world class style icon and inspirational female figure. If you haven’t yet noticed, i am a ‘big as you can get’ mega-fan of Lady Gaga and my love for her only grows each and every time she updates her Instagram, tweets, or simply when i hear her music. Which is why a dedicated blog post to the woman herself; celebrating her beauty and taste in fashion, seems only right.


Mother monsters mane is changing all the time, one minute she is rocking an edgy bob and then next it’s mermaid locks anyone would be jealous of. Obviously the quick changes in hairstyles is down to her vast array of wigs (most of which i would do anything to own!) But this woman definitely knows how to top off an outfit with a beautiful hair-do.


In terms of beauty, Gaga is up there in the top 3 of my main makeup influences. Many people still think of her as that wild bold print girl with wacky platinum hair and bright eyeshadow however that look is long gone; in reference to not only makeup, but also within her wardrobe… and i am LOVING the new natural vibes she has got going on atm. The subtle smokey eye, nude lips and defined lashes make up her latest and in my opinion, most flattering appearance. As well as just going fully au naturale. However her crazy other side is yet to 100% disappear judging by her latest Instagram snaps featuring her diamond studded eyebrows…i’m yet to make a decision on whether that trend will be picked up!!


Similarly to her makeup choices, Stefani Germanotta has totally toned down her fashion sense as well! Meat dresses and lobster head pieces are things of the past, now she sports draping feminine gowns and simple statement jewellery- could her latest route in jazz music be influencing this? I am loving her fashion changes and her relaxed and casual clothing choices, so we can all copy her style now!!

I hope you enjoyed this all things Gaga blog post and i hope that if you didn’t already, you now share the same love for this incredible woman as i do- WE LOVE YOU GAGA.

Speak soon,

ArcticDaisy ♡

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Seven Things We Should All Do More Often.


Do you ever get bored of your same old routines? The ones you’ve had in place for a year or so, or even just the routines that have been created this summer holiday. Routines can be pretty boring, not so fun after the third or fourth time of carrying them out, and it can be relatively difficult to break the cycle.

Which is why i have come up with a list of 7 (random number…don’t  ask why) little and large things you and myself can do to make day to day life a little more exciting and valuable- enjoy.

  1. Smile- Not only does smiling make ourselves feel good, but by showing some teeth at someone else you could spark up a conversation, make someone else feel happy, or if you find yourself grinning at someone you quite like the look of..then maybe even a relationship. ‘You’re never fully dressed without a smile.’
  2. Mix it up- Let’s say you’re a planning a day out with your friends or family and they all suggest going into town or to that park you go to at least a hundred times every summer..boringggg. Throw your own suggestion into the conversation and propose going to a place you’ve not yet visited or somewhere you think you’d all enjoy. (see #6)
  3. Volunteer- If you’re the person finding yourself bored and left with nothing to do in the holidays or even your free time, then listen up; this one’s for you. From a local charity or hospice to working with animals to simply helping a neighbour with their gardening, there are plenty of services and places where you can become a volunteer. Plus at the same time you’ll help others and make yourself feel great.
  4. Relax- Going back to my point at the start, we don’t actually realise that to carry out all of the same tasks and follow near enough identical routines regularly it takes a lot of effort and work without us even knowing. Which is why EVERYONE should always spare frequent time dedicated to relaxing. Whether that is purely just watching your favourite show, reading your much-loved book or going out for drinks with your best friends, we should all remember to take a break from things from time to time..and relax.
  5. Be spontaneous- Sometimes we all need to live a little and in fact live for the moment. So next time you feel like boredom is going to strike, call a friend and plan something last minute and crazy like going to the beach and swimming in the sea (for everyone reading this who is not from Newcastle sorry that suggestion isn’t the most spontaneous-you probably do it often, and for everyone from Newcastle; you know that is super spontaneous..but make sure it’s a hot day!)
  6. Go somewhere you’ve never been before- Yes, we all have our favourite places, for me i love London; the shops, atmosphere and great variety of places to eat (my mind on food as always) and i will forever adore Croatia too; the beach, sea and scenery-if only i could teleport there now! However it does us good in every single way to visit somewhere new, learn about different cultures and simply just spend time in a place we’ve not yet been too. Get your travel bucket lists at the ready!
  7. Change up your look- And by that i mean in terms of our hair, skin and makeup routines. I know it’s not just me who follows the same strict skincare routine followed with my day to day makeup method, and then exactly the same procedure as every other day for my hair. So why not shake it up a little? Get a totally different hair cut, go for a bright pop colour eyeshadow instead of your usual smokey eye, or buy a few new skincare products and give yourself a pamper.

I hope this post inspires you to change up your conventional routines and give something new and different a try.

Speak soon,

Arcticdaisy ♡

Let me know what you think via

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  • Instagram @arcticdaisyblog
  • Twitter @arcticdaisyblog

One Year On.

It was exactly one whole year ago today that I complained i was bored so much so that my dad decided to set me the task of writing a blog.


I explored the site of WordPress, created a list of my favourite and most inspo-worthy blogs, grabbed a cuppa (you knew that was coming) and got to work brainstorming my blog’s name. ‘ArcticDaisy’ didn’t even make it on the mind map, instead it was scribbled down in my notepad next to my bed after i woke with the name idea that night. And i know you’ve all probably wondered all this time where exactly the name ‘ArcticDaisy’ came from..well the ‘arctic’ part comes from my love of Winter and ‘daisy’- well that’s simply just my favourite’s as easy as that!

I began with only a love for writing, a passion for everything beauty and two post ideas. Now not only am i doing something i adore, talking about something i adore even more, and have created over 50 posts; i have my own little space on the web, have my own readership, am part of such a lovely and welcoming community, and have met lots of truly amazing and equally inspirational people on my journey.

Although yes, i have met my main goal of actually keeping my blog going strong, i still have a long way to go and a lot more targets to meet. And if you haven’t yet noticed or are new to my blog (howdy!) then i am pleased to say I’ve revamped my blog’s theme/look ready to begin the next blogging year, and have already got a few ideas up my sleeve in terms of posts-I’m so excited!

Thank you for taking the time to read my many posts. For commenting, for liking, for subscribing, for sharing and thank you for supporting me on my vlogging voyage as well. Thanks for being part of my story.

Happy birthday ArcticDaisy…here’s to another year!

Out Of The Ordinary

This blog post doesn’t exactly follow the consistent routine of my beauty and fashion posts, however i hope that this makes a great change and continues my new little ‘blog series’ on me and the media.

If you’re a regular reader/viewer then you will know that Saturday/Sunday=vlog day, yeyy! (and if you didn’t know then you do now hehe). However today is Friday/Fri-yay and i’m switching it up a bit and uploading a vlog today instead of tomorrow.

Today’s vlog is my media identity tag, all about the media i produce and consume. I’ve kind of ‘killed two birds with one stone’ (jks i haven’t killed any birds- don’t report me or anything haha!) with this vlog. That is because i was given without a doubt the most enjoyable (and easy) homework from my media teacher last week; to create a vlog all about my media identity. And then to make things even better, i also wanted to begin my ‘media blog series’ over on my YouTube channel as well.

So yes, this Friday’s vlog will give you a little insight into my life, things i get up to etc, along with the various different levels of media i take in and produce myself. Plus this video features two quite special guests…no telling who they are though!

You can follow the link below to see exactly what i’m talking about…

I am so thankful for the support i get from you all with both my blog and vlogs, thank you. And if you enjoy today’s post and video then please be sure to hit like, follow/subscribe and please leave a comment to let me know what you think- it’s all welcome- xox

Speak soon,

Arcticdaisy x

p.s. just want to note that my video did feature music etc but when i uploaded it first time round i kinda got told off for copyright… i decided to upload it this time without any backing tracks, sorry guys:(

McQueen At The V&A

Last Wednesday (i fail to believe that my whole London experience was a week ago today, a whole week) i embarked on a small journey to the Big Smoke along with my textiles teacher and class of other fashion-fanatics. And the point of our journey was of course to see the Savage Beauty exhibition situated in the most beautiful building; the V&A, but obviously we had to fit in some shopping time!


(inside the V&A feat sunshine!!)


(inside prettyy)

IMAG5300_1 (outside the museum)IMAG5299_1

(At this point i was dying with excitement!)

London itself is an amazing place in my opinion, and is one of the top places to be for all things fashion related-the people of London themselves can be an incredible source of style inspo. However the big city was even more so the place to be when the truly inspirational Alexander McQueen’s collection had made its home there. To say i was excited to enter the exhibit would have been 100% an understatement.


(you can’t not go on the tube when you’re in London)


(Kings Cross station)

So unfortunately we were not permitted to take photographs or even draw sketches (i know, silly copyright rules), however of course me with my photographic mind (hmm in my dreams) and Mrs Gray buying the McQueen exhibition book, that issue was soon forgotten.

Breathtaking, motivational and moving. Three words that don’t even do the collection justice but are the best three words i can find to sum up just how inspirational the exhibition was in my eyes. For everyone who knows me (and for everyone who doesn’t, you’re about to learn something new about me), you will all know that it takes a hell of A LOT to reduce me to being completely speechless-but McQueen’s garments made me just that; speechless.

The dark gothic/romantic theme running through the garments, the intricate detailing on each and every piece, and the unique and flattering presentation of the clothing, added to the entire wow-factor of the exhibition. And the atmosphere that the garments themselves created was without-a-doubt outstanding. If i were to talk about my favourite pieces chosen from the exhibit we would most definitely be here all day, mainly due to the fact that pretty much the whole of the display was my fave ngl.

Although, i will include and give you a brief insight into the element i found most inspiring…



Collection: Plato’s Atlantis

Being a GCSE/AS/A2 textiles student i am now functioned to analyse each piece of clothing i come into contact with. And to be honest i love that i can now do that because i am literally revising whilst looking at fashion, and even when i am shopping! So with my next piece of textiles coursework on the horizon i am searching everywhere for my little bits of -spo  to help me create a garment. I am going down the swimwear route, so when i saw the collection above, instead of thinking along the lines of ‘another planet’ or ‘alien-fashion’, i only saw colours of the sea and swimming pools. I adore the shades of blue, green and purple used within the garment, the floaty shapes of the clothing and the super cool digital prints. For me this collection was the most beautiful and if i could i’d own every single piece..ok i’d actually own the whole exhibition but yeah i’ll just keep dreaming..

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset(selfie game is still going strong!)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset(Couldn’t not take a London toilet selfie featuring my back pack buddy)

If this post hasn’t made you click straight onto the V&A website and book tickets for Savage Beauty then i really don’t know what would…it was THE BEST. And even if you don’t go and see the exhibit then definitely pop into the museum’s shop; it’s a museum in itself!


(some McQueen merchandise i lusted after..and then purchased)

The remainder of the day was spent on some much needed shopping time. NikeTown, Topshop, Urban Outfitters, Forever21, Selfridges and American Apparel were all calling my name so of course i went to go visit them!! Although i didn’t buy anything more, i took time to look for more sources of inspiration and explore the latest styles and trends through a good old browse of the clothing these stores had to offer.

Last Wednesday made me love London and love fashion on a whole different level, and i hope that you enjoyed reading my very very enthusiastic blog post about the day.

If you have been too see this exhibition then please let me know what you thought of it-id love to know. And as always, i really appreciate a like rating and a follow so please be sure to give both xox

Speak Saturday,

Arcticdaisy x

Vlog: Staple Fashion

We all established just what makes up the basis of the best wardrobes last Thursday (check it out here), but if you’ve just joined me on my blogging journey then what i am talking about is…staple clothing.

Yes, everything from jersey tees too our most-loved black skinny jeans. So after giving you all a taster of what basic fashion items you can expect from our favourite online stores and popular highstreet shops last week. I thought it would only be polite to share with you a few style steals and must-have items from my wardrobe in my most recent vlog.

Follow the link below to see me having a good old chin wag about my most adored and definitely most worn pieces. And please remember to leave a like rating, comment and hit subscribe for everything fashion and beauty xox

I shall be back tomorrow with a series of two blog posts all about my textiles trip to The Smoke a.k.a LONDON – it was amaze but i will tell you much much more; starting tomorrow!

Speak soon,

Arcticdaisy x

The Media and Me

I don’t usually write posts like this, in fact I have never ever wrote about a topic like this on my blog before. Except after being extremely inspired in my A2 media lesson the other day, i felt that this should really be something i bring up and discuss on my blog, because after all it’s something i would say i am very passionate about (so please remember everything i am about to say is my own views and in no way am i speaking for everyone here 🙂 ).

Misrepresentation. Gender stereotyping. And sexism. Three of the most common and key features the media promote across print, broadcast and e-media. And they are three features i feel should be non-existent.

I can sit here and tell you all truthfully that i am the least self-confident person i know, and i can probably be right in guessing there’s plenty of others who feel exactly the same. Most of the time i blame myself for my low self-esteem and confidence, but when we started the topic ‘media and identity’ last week, i realized this issue was not brought about by myself. It was the media.

The ‘ideal’ figure, face, bum, and even personality is constantly advertised everywhere, from Instagram to perfume ads. Flawless skin, big boobs and tiny waists are served up to us daily as we scroll through our news feeds. And from young ages us girls are sold toy kitchen sets and pretend hoovers by sexist toy companies. These are just some of the reasons why so many of us feel at a self-confidence low. We are brought up to think that if we don’t fit this perfect woman scenario then we just are not good enough. And that is not how it should be.

It’s not just us girls who are being affected, boys of all ages are being drip fed the media’s idea of female perfection most of the time. Whether it’s through over-sexualised female characters on video games, airbrushed/photoshopped imagery, near-enough naked women featured on pretty much every r’n’b music video nowadays or from stupidly easy-accessible porn. Many males are conditioned to learn that this is ‘how a girl should look’ and most of the time are never actually introduced to real beauty or ‘love’.

I think it’s so upsetting that so many of us judge ourselves and others against this ‘ideal’; which in reality is non-existent. And i know more than anyone that loving and accepting yourself is hard, and it takes time. But i just wanted to make people aware that real beauty is what counts, it doesn’t matter about your clothes size, hair colour, bra size or skin-type, what matters is how you see and value yourself. Don’t pick out your imperfections; embrace them because after all they are what make you YOU. As long as you love yourself, others will love you too, and i assure you confidence is a beautiful asset.

My mum always tells me ‘life is too short to worry about the little things’, and she has never been more correct. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else out there, be nothing but yourself because everyone else is taken. And don’t feel you ever have to change for everyone, because i am a huge believer in that there is someone out there for everyone.

I am beginning to feel myself writing some sort of empowering feminist speech right now so this is where i shall bring this extremely important topic to a close. I hope that every one reading my blog posts takes at least something out of this post, and please if you enjoy them leave a like or comment below.

It’s fair to say i feel pretty good for getting my views on the media off my chest, and quite liked the different and rather contrasting post i have written tonight-i can be quite a serious person when i need to be 😉 Think i might keep going with this…who knows..

Let me know what you think,

Speak soon and remember it’s VLOG DAY TOMMORROW (yeyy!)

Arcticdaisy x